Sunday, May 31, 2009

Pregnancy experience-a blessing from GOD

Yesterday i along with my wife & daughter went to the birthday party of my friend's daughter.It was baby's first birthday.The occasion took me back into the past.It refreshed all those beautiful moments of pregnancy period.
I feel it was just yesterday when i was waiting for my first baby to born.It was 13th Jan 2007.My wife was experiencing frequent vomiting for some days.
Both of us went to see the doctor in the evening.After the checkup doctor conveyed me the news that i was eagerly expecting.
It was the happiest moments of my life..oh sorry our life.We were very happy & had a long discussion about various aspects of pregnancy period.Here i am writing my side of experience that is from a father's point of view.
Doctor told us the expected date of delivery to be 4 0r 5 sept 2007.I still remember,i was thinking how to wait for 9 months.Somehow,i wanted my baby immediately.I was dreaming about the first time when i would hold my baby in my hands.What kind of emotions i would go through when i saw my baby first time.I was going through so many feelings.In India,fathers are supposed to be strong & devoid of emotions.But i was simply alive.
One day i was watching discovery channel.The program was on pregnancy.The doctor expressed the opinion that you could build a strong relation with your unborn baby if you saw her during scanning.You can build strond bonding by talking to her. With your daily talks,you can enjoy a lifetime bonding.
I started regular talks with her.Infact i purchased a book on good stories.The stories had good moral messages.After coming from work,i used to narrate one story daily.
In the 6th month,my wife told me she started feeling baby's kicks.I used to keep my hand on my wife's belly to enjoy those kicks.Sometimes while narrating story, i felt stronger kicks as if my baby understood the story.
I read some books on pregnancy care & followed them.
I purchased more fruits & asked my wife to eat during pregnancy period.Everyday,we used to go for walk & discuss a lot of things about our baby.Ofcourse at the end of the, i used to count how many more days to wait.
Finally on 3rd sept 2007,i was blessed with a daughter.I thanked GOD & my Loving wife.The first time i held her in my hands,tears started rolling down my cheeks.I felt a tremendous sense of responsibility.
We kept her name"riya" meaning a kind of flower.Now she is 1 year 9 months old.
For all expectant parents, i recommend following sites for complete pregnancy care & tips:
A very important site.please visit here.
Advices on pregnancy.
It is for pregnancy information.
Fetus video week by week.
A to Z pregnancy topics.
It is about nutrition foods during pregnancy.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Legitimate Work at Home Guide For Beginner

Work at home opportunity over internet is really attracting alot of people towards it.When i started,working online over 6 months back,i didn't know anything about the opportunites.I accidently saw an ad about work from home.I noted the address to visit there again later on.After few days,i visited & ordered for the program.I worked diligently for over two months on the program without any success.In my search to find reasons for no success,i gathered more information about the work at home opportunities.
And i came to know about a fact:
97 % of opportunities are scams.The reason for my failure was working for a scammed program.
I could not digest the fact that anything over internet could be a,part of my writing this article is to guide my beginner friends to know how to judge legitimate nature of any work.And also i will show some genuine OPPORTUNITIES.
Now,i strongly believe there are two reasons for failure in work from home opportunity.
1) One i just mentioned above.
2) Even if you find a legitimate work you may still face failure.I will explain it little later on.
1) First how would you address the solution for first problem regarding the legitimate work at home? How any beginner will come to know of legitimate work in his first search?
Here you can take the help of two sites:
a) you can visit you can put a question to them about the legitimacy of the site offering work at home.
b) you can also visit Here also you can put the question.
you can do one more thing,you can log in & join below two sites:
c) you can visit & you register with them,go to market place.Search under the business option.You will get all good companies.There are over 20000 companies with various products.
2) Now after getting a legitimate program,i have seen many people failing.Here the reason for failure is at different level.Most of beginner get attracted towards the prospect of earning huge money with easy work.There is no doubt that the work is easy,anybody can do it.But, the point is most people think that with little effort they can draw huge money.right? my answer..wrong.
Anything worthwhile can never be achieved need to put need 3 things:
a) Direction b) Discipline c) Persistence
a) you are working on a legitimate work,so follow the instruction of the work diligently.
b) discipline is a must for all.Atleast put 1-2 hours effort on you work on daily basis.Because with discipline you can learn alot about how to improve over your work.somebody rightly said "your dedication will hide the fact that you are a beginner".
c) sometimes inspite of putting all of effort,success will elude you.Don't worry,be persistence.keep on learning new things,and implement them.Then suddenly,you will see lot of success coming your way.
so far we covered how to get legitimate work.Now i would like to present you some of best opportunities to earn money.
With my experience,i came to know that following four are the best options:
a) Writing articles
b) Online survey
c) Blogging
d) Data entry works
a) Writing articles:
This is one of the best opportunity to earn money.There are many companies who need new content to post on their can write anything,your personal experience,any product you promote,any topic interesting to you which you think will help the readers.Anything.After you complete writing article,you can submit them to below ten sites:
As i conveyed you that i will show you some genuine can checkout this site of a company which offers above nature of work.
b) Online surveys:
There are many companies who need you opinion regarding their products.This information they use to improve their products.You will be paid handsomely for your time & opinion.You can search these companies online,get register with them & you will start getting their surveys.You will find some companies in market place of or
You can visit here for a company who offers BEST online surveys:
c) Blogging:
If you thing this is diffcult,think again.This is really easy to do. You will have lot of fun and you will form many online friends.You can go to,create your blog in 3 easy steps & get going.
you can checkout this site:
d) Data entry works:
It is a combination of all works i have mentioned above.There is more to it.As i told you to join or here you get the opportunities to promote those products & earn huge commissions.You can promote those products using free classified ad posting sites or in your blogs.
you can checkout below two excellent sites offering all the works in one package:
I hope all of you beginner will find this information useful.please pass on your suggestion in the comment box.your feedback will give me lot of motivation.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

6 Simple ways to draw Traffic & Get your website on Front pages of search engines

There is plenty of information available over internet on how to draw traffic to your website.If you own a website or a blog,for whatever reasons,you need traffic to succeed.You can spend thousand of dollars to pull visitors,but what is the use, if it isn't quality traffic.
In my six months of internet experience,i learnt 6 excellent ways to pull visitors naturally to your website.Before going ahead,i want to emphasize that it is not a quick fix need to maintain patience & put effort to achieve what you want.
In a hurry..ok i come to the point.Here they are:
1) articles
2) search engines
3) links
4) write blogs
5) participate at various forums
6) networks
Now each point little elaborately i want to highlight.
1) Articles:
one of the best way to pull in lot of visitors to your site is can write quality articles, that is content can write about your site ,topic around products which you are promoting or anything which is interesting,informative & useful to your visitors.Once your article is ready,you can submit it to article submission directory.Here are some prominent ones:
you can also submit your article to 100 of directories by just typing "articles" or "submitarticles" in Google or Yahoo search will be surprised with the list of directories there.
2) search engines submission:
To get traffic,you need your site to be on the front pages of big search engines.Two things which are important here are:
a) quality content on your website
b) keywords in your title & in your text
a) Now you know lot about quality content.If still you find difficulty you can sign up with for lot of content.
b) what is a keyword? what you would do if you want some information over internet with no idea of the site.Then you usually go to search engines,there you type some words which you feel describes what you want.These words are called keywords.A keyword can be a single word or a combination of words(most of the time).
Now to the point:your title & body of the site should have these keywords.keywords should appear be at begining and at the end of body of site.Important note- don't keep repeating keywords,use them in the context.
I want to give you a tip, you can visit Find out question people are asking,then use that to get keywords,use in title & in the body.
After taking care of above information,you submit your website to:
a) Big search engines like google,yahoo & msn
c) you can type "search engine submission" in search box of google,yahoo or msn,you will get the list.
Links are very important to your sites.All big search engines looks for how many links are there on your site.Earlier,some experts used to give more importance to incoming links that is how sites are linking back to you.But now more experts are saying outgoing links are equally important that is to how many sites are getting linked from your site.
Here two sites i feel worth mentioning:
* for free traffic generation.
* join & follow their instructions.
If you already have a blog,then do post some useful information on everyday basis.
If you don't have a blog,then go to & create a blog.Its really very can write anything on any topic like your daily activities,some thing funny or how to learn driving.Anything.Don't forget to mention your website's address at the end of blog.
5)Participate on various forums:
This is also very useful can join these forums & participate on them by posting content rich topic or reply to messages posted there.This way you will develop relationships,you can leave your comments on topics with your signature, that is your website address.a
Again use method mentioned at the end of 1) articles submission.
6)Traffic networks:
You can join to increase your website's traffic.
I think if you use these methods on a frequent basis,you will draw amazing traffic to your website.

if you need more information,you can visit

Friday, May 15, 2009

To stop panic attack,Face its fear now

Personal story:
Let me share something with you that happened in my own life.I was 16 yrs old.One night, after i finished my studies went to bed to sleep.I was just thinking about how to prepare for competiative exams.I still remember how i started thinking negatively about a particular subject & how it led to a series of negative thoughts.Before i understood my heart started beating faster,i started feeling nervous & fearful.i was sweating profusely.i was not able to understand what to do.confusion - this best explained my state of mind that night.but after a while everything was back to normal.

Next day morning i was thinking about my yesterday experience. I read a news in a newpaper about the demise of a superstar which suddenly led again to a series of negative thouhts.I experienced the same thing fear,heart beating faster,nervousness,confusion...what to do.

Visit to psychiatrist:
I consulted a doctor. He told i was experiencing panic attack(disorder).He adviced me some medicines,but mainly he suggested me to divert my attention to something which i enjoy.

My life became hell:
After a month of medication i started feeling relax but only when i took medication.My father adviced me to stop taking tablet & encouraged me to face the anxiety created due to panic attack.I stopped medication but my life became miserable as i was concentrating on those fearful thoughts.Slowly it started affecting all by activites.Any person affected by this knows that how our self confidence decreases even for small acts like going to a saloon shop,attending meeting especially if you cann't come out without permission,travelling outside the city etc.I thought i may not be normal again.

Initial encouragement:
One of my friend & my uncle both were experincing panic attack exactly at the same time period as i was.Both of them faced the fear of anxiety & successfully conquered it.They encouraged me but i think my time of personal growth was still far away.
Turning point experience:
Two and half yrs passed without taking much responsibility to come out of that fear.Some how without my conscious effort i had developed a belief that one day i will come out of this mess that i created.
One day on a railway station plateform i saw an encouraging title on a book cover.I felt this book might help me fulfill that, i purchased.For the first few days,i enthusiastically followed the lessons.I got mixed results.During all this process i still unconsciously repeated i will definitely come out of this situation.
one day i was coming from my native town to my then resident place by bus.It was overnight journey.As soon as bus reached outskirts of city i started feeling that my thoughts were diverting towards negative.i began feeling nervous & fearful.But, this time something extraordinary thing happened.In the middle of this PANIC ATTACK,i accidently remembered my BELIEF & i took a DECISION that itwas the time to face this fear once for all.Also i decided i would not concentrate on negatives any longer.I started concentrating on positive thoughts.I started thinking about my dreams,my goals & attracting my first love into my life(we all know the power of a emotion called love).I decided, come whatever i will focus on all positive thing i did, i kept repeating this statement:

i am wining, AND

i am perfectly healthy & within no time i will experience complete control.

After half an hour, i had complete control of my thoughts.This was first time in two and half yrs i experienced freedom & self confidence.I recollected a quote i read somewhere that beyond our fears,lies our true freedom.Believe me i had no idea of auto suggestion,positive thinking & focussing on positive thoughts during stressful situation.some how i feel there was divine intervention & i learnt my life's most valuable lesson. lesson : how to face fear of panic attack.

Lesson learnt:
Later on as the years passed, i developed a reading habit.I collected books by some excellant authors.I learnt more about auto suggestion & how it miraculously works when we add faith to thing i want my friends (who experience panic disorder) to remember is our mind can focus on only one thought at a decide which thought you want it to focus.

I am presenting you a action plan which i actually used to face the fear of panic attack for your success.

1) Little bit i want to tell all my friends about Autosuggestion.Auto suggestion means giving positive suggestion to yourself.
example,for your present situation you can write like this statement:
i will proactively take responsibility to put repeatedly positive & empowering thoughts into my mind.
two more eg:
i am a courageous man so i can face any situation with calm mind.
i am perfectly healthly ,it is just a fear & i can face this fear now with courage.

2) Use & read aloud your Autosuggestion every night 10 min before going to bed.And 10 min when you wake up,remember to do it first thing in morning.scientifically,the reason behind doing this, is that your repeated autosuggestion reaches subconscious mind at night when you are asleep.In morning your mind usually accepts everything, so why not give empowering autosuggestion to start your day on a positive note.
3) Write them on a card & keep them in your wallet.Read them when ever you feel tense,nervous or fearful.
4) Write these autosuggestion on some papers & keep them near your study table,near your book shelf,near your shaving mirror or dressing table (in case of female) so that you can veiw it several times daily.
5) Always start using positive words in your conversations like strong,healthy,mentally tough,relax,cool,responsible,courageous,brave,loving, caring can have your own list of positive words.
6) Develop a reading habit daily atleast for 10 should read something can choose self help books or biographies of some great personalities.

you can visit here for free ebooks.
7) Always remember only you can bring change in your situation.A great scholar SWAMI VIVEKANAND,said you can do anything and everything because you already have all the strength required in you.

Once again remember our mind can concentrate on only one thought at a time & you can take the help of auto suggestion to put positive thoughts under concentration.

I felt like sharing this experience of my life because of two reasons 1)all those people facing this situation should know that they are not alone to pass this way 2)all of them already have required strength in them.

I now firmly believe whatever happens, it happens to teach us a lesson.It happens to teach us more faith in GOD & in ourselves.
Now i understand that if i was not given that situation i would not have i am mentally more tough .i can face any fear with more faith in me with the knowledge that i can handle it effectively.

Similarly if i can learn this lesson,then anybody in this position can learn & come of this situation.Just maintain faith in yourself & in GOD.Take the help of a coach.

The best coach & companion of man is:BOOKS.It is wisely said: Books don't teach us anything,IT AWAKENS THE GIANT SLEEPING IN US.
For your GIANT TO AWAKEN, i felt below site worth to mention here
you can visit here.
you can also visit here.